Join Green Apple Books on the Park for a night of literary horror with readings from contributors to Black Candies: The Eighties on Sunday, March 18 at 7:30 pm in San Francisco, California.

About Black Candies:

“Black Candies is a diary of literary horror and darkness. In these dark corners, we have infinite room to grow, and to innovate. We’re allowed to push boundaries and set precedents. We revel in the daring. We aim to scare. Scary can be good. Scary can cause change.

This year, our theme is The Eighties. Whether you lived through it, or fetishize it, there’s no denying its continued effect.

Horror and the ‘80s go hand in hand. Movie fans can point to it as the decade where franchises like Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, Hellraiser and Friday the 13th turned monsters into celebrities. It’s a decade that gave birth to the VHS, which allowed us to mainline horror right into our living rooms. The format also enabled a generation of crude, disgusting, and often brilliant filmmakers whose access to the expansive market gave them free reign to coat their screens with blood.

But art wasn’t the only thing that became horrific. Both consumerism and nationalism surged. Hate and bigotry blinded us to an epidemic that ravaged the country, while those in power laughed about it. We were ruled by an idiot entertainer. Any of this sounds familiar?”

Catch the readers Madeline Gobbo, a graduate fiction candidate at UC Davis; Jake Arky, an actor, writer, and storyteller in San Francisco; Dave Maass, a writer, journalist, and activist based in San Francisco; and Melissa Gutierrez, an artist and writer living and working in Sacramento.

This event is hosted by Ryan Bradford, the founding editor of Black Candies, the author of Horror Business, and a regular columnist for San Diego City Beat, and Julia Dixon Evans, author of the forthcoming novel How to Set Yourself on Fire (May 2018).