After the E. coli mess, Chipotle has been trying to fix the damage and giving a whole lot of free food.

Lots of Chipotle Coupons are Coming

The chain just announced plans todirect-mail 21 million more free food coupons in the coming weeks. Chipotle executives said Wednesday at a conference in New York. That’s $70 million worth of free Chipotle burritos.

The chain said it had success with its most recent free-burrito promotion. About 5.3 million people downloaded the mobile coupon in February, with 2.5 million redeeming the offer.

“We fully expected that [offer] to go viral,” Mark Crumpacker,Chipotle’s chief creative officer, said. “That was our first test to see how much people really wanted to come back to Chipotle.”

They’ll be mailed directly to consumers with an expiration on May 15 — giving you plenty of time to get to your local store and take advantage of the offer.

So don’t throw your junk mail for away without checking it! A free burrito is a terrible thing to waste, and if you found a coupon you might want to look trough the recycle bin and see if any neighbors missed on this fantastic opportunity and you can hoard some coupons as you can redeem as many as you want!