Celebrate 2017 World Laughter Day with a free laughter yoga class at Sue Bierman Park on Sunday, May 7th in San Francisco, California from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.

This free class is an easy combination of laughter, yogic breathing, and movement held at a little park just north of Four Embarcadero Center the first Sunday of May.

Join thousands of laughter lovers in over 70 countries who will gather to experience the benefits of laughter for body, mind and spirit. No experience or mats necessary; just wear comfortable clothing. You may also bring some snacks to share.

What is Laughter Yoga?
There are now almost 8,000 “laughter clubs” world-wide. Laughter is universal with no language and cultural barriers. The physical benefits of laughter are well documented, and include improving cardiovascular health, releasing the “runner’s high” hormone endorphin, and lowering the level of stress hormones (epinephrine, cortisol, etc) in the blood.