Are you the type of person who loves camping out with your laptop at a coffee shop or loves hanging out with your friends or alone at Starbucks? Well, this post is for you!

Apparently, there’s an easy way to get free drinks at Starbucks aside from flirting with the barista. In case you didn’t know, the coffee giant has a free refill policy, giving coffee-lovers more drink for their cups and a reason to stay at the shop longer.

It’s a little bit tricky, but if you basically order any drink on the menu aside from the bottled drinks, and finish it inside the store, you’re very much eligible to switch for a free refill of any of the basic drink like iced coffee, hot tea, hot brewed coffee, or iced tea the same size as your previous order.

Please note that you need to have a Starbucks Card on your hand or on the mobile app before asking for a free refill at any participating stores.