Come at Omnivore Books on Food and welcome Irvin Lin as he launches his first ever book entitled Marbled, Swirled, and Layered on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm in San Francisco, California.

Irvin Lin is the author of the famous blog Eat the Love, and in his new book, he shows how techniques like marble, layer, swirling of doughs, and more open the door to inventive flavor combinations that look as awesome as they taste.

Included in the book are recipes of delicious food like sparkling dark chocolate, raspberry-cream cheese chewy cookies, rosemary caramel and dark chocolate-potato chip tart, Italian spice-tomato and Parmesan-garlic pretzel knots, chocolate chip and reverse chip cookies, and more.

Lin is an IACP-Award winning photographer, award winning baker, storyteller, recipe developer, award winning graphic designer, and writer.

This event is free and open to the public. Lin will be baking samples at Omnivore Books on his launch party so make sure you can come!

Omnivore Books on Food is a bookstore packed with different kinds new, antiquarian, and collectible titles all about food and cooking.

It frequently hosts events like author readings, food and drink tastings, chef talks, book signings, and cooking contests.